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Referrals don't grow in trees


Let's talk about the fastest, the easiest way to get referrals and the "buts" that may cause apprehension.

The FASTEST way to earn double than your daily "click" routine is to have plenty of referrals.

The EASIEST way to have referrals is to rent (or buy in other PTCs) unreferred members in neobux - or whatever PTC program you're really into (that's if available)

Click here for a more detailed article on how to get referrals.

BUT these unreferred referrals don't grow in trees; they might not be available all the time for everybody. So i guess this is the time one should start to try other ways to get someone to sign up under you and become your Direct Referral forever.

The good thing about having direct referrals in neobux are:
(if you're a golden member)

  • you win $0.01/referral's click;
  • you get 10% commission of referral's purchases; and
  • it's free and yours forever.

Now, i'll show you some basic maths on what you get in your 10% commission:

  • if direct referral upgrades, you will get $10
  • if direct referral purchases 100 referral pack for $20, you will win $2;
  • if direct referral bets referral jackpot for $2/ticket, you will get $0.20 /ticket bought.

Isn't that sweet?

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

How To Get Rid Of Inactive Referrals

The initial obstacle to having a profitable PTC venture is having enough active referrals. As I mentioned in one of my previous articles, referrals can be rented or friends and other people who find you amusing can sign up directly under your account, hence the term “direct referral”. Active referrals are the bread and butter of anyone venturing into PTC. It is not too hard to rent referrals, the key is patience. However, the biggest challenge in all this is maintaining a high number of active referrals. In my case, for example, I currently have 1007 referrals, 980 of them are rented and 27 are direct. 70% of my direct referrals are inactive, but I do have a few that are very industrious and they deserve a mention (Ping, thank you for upgrading to golden - you deserve your ad slot in my blog, it’s the least I can do). Meanwhile, my rented referrals are growing every week and have been very busy lately. I am happy to say that 95% of my rented referrals are active and I'm on my way to becoming filthy rich (insert evil laugh here). Ok, I'm kidding about the getting filthy rich part.

Ok, so you now have a gazillion rented referrals and only 60% are active and the rest are too busy to click, what to do? NeoBux has this nifty little feature called “Recycle”. In the next few paragraphs, I will tell you what it is, how it works, how to use it, and how it will benefit you.
Recycling is a way of replacing your rented referral. If you notice that your rented referral has only clicked a few ads, probably because of demographic location, a standard member, on vacation or maybe he's simple lethargic...then you have a choice of recycling him (replacing him).
Before you try to recycle, make sure that your renting balance has funds. Recycling costs money, so be careful. Each referral that gets recycled will set you back $0.05. For example, recycling 50 rented referrals will cost $2.50. Just a reminder, you cannot recycle direct referrals. It’s like trying to recycle your family; you can’t really do it, although sometimes you wish you can.

The cost to recycle in NeoBux is reasonable considering the average cost of buying referrals in other PTC sites is $1.00/referral. It is expensive because the referral is yours forever, the operative word being “forever”. However, have you considered that a clicker will get tired eventually? Most clickers come and go. Only a few active ones will stay on a certain site. You are very lucky if you can get the loyal ones. But with NeoBux, you can just recycle them! A referral is not active, click recycle, you hear a voice inside your head, click recycle, he criticized your baked macaroni and cheese, recycle...oops, that would be my brother - too bad I can’t recycle him. You also have the option of not paying inactive referrals and at the end of your renting cycle, these referrals will be automatically removed, but not replaced.

To recycle a referral, go to main menu by clicking your user ID, click "referrals," it will show first your direct referrals (if you have any).
On the upper right corner of the same window there are 3 icons. These are, export list, the one we are looking for - rented referrals list, and referral stats. Click once on the rented referrals list and you will see your list of rented referrals with corresponding number of clicks, referral since, date of last click, your next payment and 2 buttons.
These 2 buttons are click statistic of your rented ref and the "recycle" button. For easy multiple recycling, there's a box provided on the right side of each referral, mark the box of the referral to be recycled and proceed to the bottom of the page.

Here, you will see a drop-down box with two options, “I want to recycle them” and “I Want to Pay to Keep Them for 30 More Days”, make sure you choose “I want to recycle them” to recycle the marked referrals. After choosing the desired option, the total amount of the transaction will appear together with the corresponding button “Click her to pay”. So, there you go, recycling lazy referrals! Do not forget to add funds first on your renting balance.

Does it guarantee active referrals? A NeoBux admin stated that refs need to pass certain standards they can be considered an "active referral" and released for renting. In my experience, recycling lazy referrals has boosted my clicks earned. I have learned to be diligent with recycling as it is one way of ensuring a healthy NeoBux account.
Thursday, July 24, 2008

How to avoid potential scam sites

New to PTC World? Read this...
... in the virtual world, it's hard to determine which is legit and can be trusted. Are you one of the many who wants to earn money online but hesitates to try because you might get scammed? Well, it's not that hard now if you read these "warnings" on how to identify potential scam sites.

Hot picks:

I will show you how I earned no less than $10/day with neobux. Click here.
Monday, July 21, 2008

I Will Show You How I Earned No Less Than $10/day With NeoBux

UPDATE: There has been some price changes made by neobux. Golden membership now just raised from $60/year to $100/year or $8.33/month. FYI. You can be a Free member and still avail instant cashout features and cheap referral rentals for only $0.30/referral/month. Who else does pay its members instantly?

Do you want to earn extra money? Do you want to receive your payment fast? If your answer is YES, then I guess NeoBux is here for you. As a member of NeoBux, I am earning as much as $12-$17 per day and growing. I click 9-10 ads per day which only takes 4-5 minutes of my time. Here are steps that I'd like to share with you, this is how I did it:

1. Payment Processor.
A payment processor is a gateway to accept online payments. Neobux, as well as most PTC sites commonly use AlertPay. If you don't have one then go to and register for free.

2. Read TOS and Help section.
Knowing the TOS (terms of service) and Help section will enable you to understand the fundamentals of this business and will prevent you from making inapropriate actions which may lead to the suspension of your account.

If you're convinced, proceed to the next step.

3. Become a NeoBux member.
Click HERE for free membership. But wait, read on and find out why I encourage you to get a Golden membership.

NeoBux has two kinds of memberships, the ordinary and the Golden. There is nothing much to say about the standard membership except that you will still earn money, but it is peanuts compared to what you can earn with a Golden Membership. Why am I Golden Member, why am I recommending this to you? This is what you get:
  • you will earn 100% from your referral's click (free member gets only $0.005)
  • referrals rental is only $0.20/ref/month (free members rent refs for $0.30/ref/mo.)
  • 10% commission on your direct referral's purchases (free members has no commision)

If the referrals are inactive then you can recycle or replace them with active ones. While, other PTC sites sell their referrals for $1.00 - $1.30 per and have the advantage of being yours forever, these referrals eventually become inactive and cannot be replaced. If you want to start earning the big bucks now, be a NeoBux Golden Member right away by clicking HERE. The Golden Membership will only cost you $60 per year, that's only $5 per month. Wait, we are'nt done yet. Remember, you want to earn at least $10 per day. So, keep reading.

4. Fund your Alertpay account.
If you have a credit or debit card, add it to your alertpay account. Fund your account with $80 ($60 for golden membership and $20 for 100 referrals' rental).

5.Fund your "renting balance".
Initial investment is $20 for your first 100 referrals.

6. Purchase your first 100 referrals.
Back in the main page, the third button on the right, you can find "RENT REFERRALS" - this button will only turn green (meaning referrals are available) every 5am and 5pm (0500hrs GMT and 1700hrs GMT) and the next purchase will be after 7 days. By the way, it is very important to syncronise your PC time with server time of neobux. The server time can be found at the "view advertisement" section.
rent refs

TAKE NOTE: referrals in neobux sells like hotcake - BAM! in's sold out!
try to be fast. make sure you have your renting balance funded to avoid delay.

Congratulations! You're a golden member with 100 referrals!!!

Now, do some math conservatively. Assuming that each referral will only click 3 ads (but most standard members has an average of 5 ads per day, depending on demographic location):

your clicks: 9 ads x 0.01 =$0 .09
your ref clicks: 100 refs x 0.03 = $3.00
daily earnings: = $3.09
monthly earnings: = $92.70

However, after 7 days you will be allowed to rent referrals, so i suggest that you re-invest the $20 that you earned in your first 7 days. On the 8th day you will have 200 referrals working for you!! Wash, rinse, repeat...Do the same thing 7 days after and and before you know it you will be earning a minimum of $10/day or more. Thus, our calculation above is truly very conservative!

7. Start earning!
Finally, go to main page and click "view advertisement" section found on the top of the page and start clicking ads!!!

Happy earnings!

This is my real time earnings:


I have been in PTC for a while and the easiest way to get referrals is to buy or rent.
I have been inviting friends to join me but most of them says it's BS;
I have tried referral exchange but it's waste of my time. Clicking ads the whole day with most of their sites turning out to be a scam, you won't get anything;
I have made a blog but few or (i guess) so far none has signed up under me;
I have tried but it turned out to be more expensive. Credit offers for NeoBux is sooo competitive that it is so hard to beat;
I have tried advertising links but I end up spending more than $1.00 per ref;
and more frustrating experience...
This is no BS. Every Neobux member is earning and you will know that once you try to visit their forum discussions.

For newbies: try my way, you won't regret it. Just follow these simple step-by-step instructions I made for you.

For those who don't have $60, it's fine, be patient. It will take some time to reach your goal. You will eventually be able to earn enough to upgrade and rent referrals - anyways, patience is a virtue. You can register for free, yet earn slowly but it's ok.

Friday, July 18, 2008

My Other PTC Sites


If your new and just getting started, you must have a payment processor. Online payment processors are FREE to setup and let you receive money easily. Once received, you can transfer to your bank or receive a check. You can still work this program with just an
AlertPay account, but it is better to have both PayPal & AlertPay.
Now that you have a payment processor, it's time to register for FREE to the following paid-to-click sites that I use:

NeoBux is the fastest growing and probably the most trusted paying paid-to-click site in the PTC industry. The most highly recommended "must-join" program because of it's instant payout feature that no other PTC has. It pays $0.01 to $0.02 per 30-second view of advertisements with an average of 9-10 ads per day depending on member's demographic location. I rate this site 9/10, as 10 is the highest. Click here to join.
Joining Buxout will allow you to earn some extra cash just by viewing websites for a period of 30 seconds. You will earn up to $0.0125 per visit. You will get paid instantly, within seconds each time you reach the minimum payout and request it !Payments are processed instantly, meaning you pay and receive in seconds !
Quote from Buxout TOS:
TOS. 7. "All payments are made via AlertPay and no other payment method is being used at this time. You can request payment once your account balance reaches $5.00, after that minimum will be $7.00 then $10.00. Your payment will be issued instantly."
TOS 9. "Our current pay rate is $0.01 for each website you visit and $0.005 for each website your direct referrals visit. For premium members $0.0125 for each website you visit and $0.0125 for each website your direct referrals visit."
To join Buxout, click HERE.
In 247bux, if your a FREE member you'll earn $0.01 per your click and 50% earnings from your refs click. However, if you upgrade your membership for $19.95 (for a year), you'll get to earn up to $0.012 and earn up to $0.01 per refs click. Payment requests can be made everyday via PayPal. The minimum payout is $1.00.
Thinkbux is relatively new to the PTC industry. I like the site's layout and it's simplicity. They pay $0.01 per ad and if you're a premium member you will earn $0.012 per ad viewed. Minimum payout is only $5.00. I'm a standard member but thinkbux does not play fav'rites - really pays fast for standard members as well. I received my first payout in less than 12 hours - amazing, I just love this site like Neo! Click here to join. is one of the new PTC sites that I joined recently. They're paying members $0.01 per ad viewed. They have an average of 10-12 ads everyday for free members and up to 22 ads for premium members. The site has a very nice layout and I hope payments will be as nice as the looks of the site. Although I haven't reach minimum payout yet but I am hoping they will be pay members on time. Well, let's see. Click here to join.

Crewbux is one of the first PTC sites that I joined. I have been a member for awhile and been paid on time. Crewbux is trying to keep up with others PTC sites too in terms of features. They're paying $0.01 per ad viewed and has an average of 6 ads. Minimum payout is only $5.00, thus it's not that hard to reach payout. I like this site also.

To join Crewbux, click here.

As you can see, I only have few sites. There are hundred of PTC sites out there and everyday there's new one coming out. If you have plenty of time to spend on clicking ads, you can join as many as you can and probably set a goal to earn and click ads as much as you can. I tried that once and I found out it's not worth it. Prior to joining sites, I always read TOS and read some reviews on other sites. I especially take note on how long they pay. Finally, I decided to focus on few which are honest and paying sites.
That's my 2 cents.

Saturday, July 12, 2008

About Me

I enjoy the thrill of poker eventhough I rarely win;
I love the aroma of coffee; a coffee drinker - and I guess I need to cut it down;
I'm a mom to a wonderful girl;
I admire Robert kiyosaki than Donald Trump;
I'm a fan of Tim Ferriss - I dream to have a lifestyle like his;
I consider Leo Babauta my motivational guru;
I love beaches - my color will tell;
I'm a bad cook and I found a man who can cook very well [for me ;)];
I was struggling to pass my English writing proficiency exam, on the contrary, I am blogging;
I'm a college graduate of Business Management and BSN-RN yet currently, i'm jobless.

What I want to do before 2009 ends...

Scuba diving
Volunteer work as a nurse
Spend as much time with my daughter
Create niche sites
Learn SEO
Learn, learn, learn things that I know nothing about...

Despite of life imperfections and contradictions, I am grateful of my sweet life. Who says life is impossible? Let's live and love life to the fullest.
Saturday, July 12, 2008